Get some glasses first

– I believe in love so much… love is all you need, right?

– Yes, love is very nice…

– To me, there can be nothing more beautiful than love… And you…

– Yes, yes, I get it, love is very cool, enough with the love talk already… just… look at the sky or something…

– Oh I love you so much Jim… you are so romantic…

– Romantic, yeah… what do you say we have sex right here? That would be very romantic, don’t you think?

– Sex? I don’t know… I wanna make love… hey, let us stay like this forever, on this very hill, forever in love, what do you say?

– Aa… yeah… only… I ment to tell you sooner but… I met another girl, you see… And I like her very much… and… it is not your fault, it’s me… I am a very lame person cause I don’t know what I want … but… I think i want her…

– What? But you said love was the most important thing to you, that you loved me…

– No, thats what you said, and those butterflys in your heart made you hear and see things that weren’t there… And you are a fool to belive in love, there is no real love… just atraction…

– No real love? No, don’t go, don’t live me here, please … I’ll have sex with you!! I don’t care about love, I want you!! Let’s have sex!!

– And I thought I was the lame one… If someone tells you that real love is not real, and you believe him, then how much do you really believe in love? This is for selling out your beliefes… there’s nothing lamer then that…


Ioan Stoenica, 28 noiembrie 2007

Despre Ioan Stoenică

Nascut primavara, crescut vara, iubit si plans toamna, reinviat iarna. Incerc sa-mi urmez inima, ajutand-o cat mai mult cu ratiunea.
Acest articol a fost publicat în Povesti cu suflet și etichetat , . Pune un semn de carte cu legătura permanentă.

4 răspunsuri la Get some glasses first

  1. GabiR zice:

    :)) very funny your story! „To love” and „to be in love” are two different feelings, I guess, as „true love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.” (Erich Segal)


  2. gabita23 zice:

    P.S. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? :”>


  3. He he, ce dragut ca mai imi amintesti si mie de texte mai vechi 😀 Chiar ca e putin funny, desi situatia e trista si se intampla in realitate de multe ori. Ehe… poate candva voi pune in aplicare visul meu de a scoate o carte intitulata ”povesti de trezit adultii” 🙂


  4. simona zice:

    Tăcerea e de aur … Dacă tăceai … Vorba lungă …
    Dar, pe altă parte, din dragoste spui şi să faci lucruri pe care altfel nu le-ai fi spus sau făcut.
    Zic şi eu, aşa, că m-a amuzat grozav textul ăsta, deşi are şi morală.
    Cheia, e aia din cântec, … what’s been said between your heart and mine … when you say nothing at all.


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